Every year, about 6 million tons of wood is burned or ends up in landfills.

Considering that wood was initially used only once and then left in landfills or burned, and that the ever-growing needs of the individual were difficulty met by natural cycles, unless there were serious imbalances for the environment; therefore reusing a resource in a repeatable way becomes a decisive standard for sustainable development.


Wood recycling

is a rational and important choice:


1. Contributes to the protection of the forest resources
2. Reduces the volumes sent to landfill
3. Determines a lower environmental impact
4. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions


Alternatives to recycling

  • If it is not preceded by an accurate sorting it can represent a potential risk of pollution.
  • Determines a fast return of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
  • It is a non-repeatable process because the material is eliminated
  • They occupy the land in an almost permanent manner and, at the local level, they cause serious inconveniences (odors, noise, traffic);
  • They represent a potential source of pollution, significantly contributing to the increase of the so-called "Greenhouse Effect".

Quality control of incoming wood

1. Ecological Panel Companies: the first company in the world that uses 100\% recycled wood on the whole range of chipboard panels.

2. The raw material is carefully selected and only wood that has certain health features is accepted:

  • Pallets
  • Shavings
  • Old furniture
  • Packaging in general
  • Processing residues from the first processing of virgin wood and of wood agglomerates
  • Construction site waste for construction and demolition
  • Fruit crates

3. Incoming wood

The wood waste entering the plants, both of national and foreign origin, undergo quality checks to ensure compliance with the chemical-physical requirements established by the strictest regulations in force.


  • A certified quality production process that allows a positive environmental impact.
  • The transformation technologies of Mauro Saviola Group are capable of processing all the collected wood scrap (packaging, processing waste, broken furniture, construction material, etc.).

Industrial process - Material cleaning

  • Quality checks;
  • Cleaning: separates the wood from any other foreign material: from the sand of the construction site to the nails that end up in the box of metals intended for the foundry...
  • The so-called "traps": they allow us to separate everything that is not wood, without using chemical solvents or reagents of any kind;
  • Tank to sink inert materials;
  • Magnets to attract iron;
  • Centrifuges that use gravity to separate materials;
  • Materials other than wood are intended for recycling;
  • All the waste from the production process (iron, plastic, paper, glass, present in the incoming wood) are sent to the companies that recycle them.
  • Over 20.000 tons of iron is annually disposed.


The non-exploitable wood derived from the separation and cleaning of the material is burned to power the processes.

But only wood that cannot be recycled - and only that - is reused as biomass for self-powering.

This produces electrical and thermal power to be used in the production cycle, so as to drastically reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and close the Recycling-Reuse circle. The result is a pure material, perfectly suited to be processed in order to become a panel. The emissions deriving from combustion are controlled by electrostatic filters able to collect dust and organic substances with a very high efficiency: the companies of the Group have organized an analytical control plan that provides continuous monitoring available to the authorities in charge.

A real example of circular economy

Saviola Group is a real example of Circular Economy since 1992.

Help us save the trees

Saviola is the first company in the world to have made the ecological chipboard panel using only Post-consumer 100\% recycled wood.

Proposing the most innovative range of decorations and finishes, papers and laminates, perfectly coordinated edges and surfaces available on the market today.